el pueblo andino de Sangolqui / The Andean people of Sangolqui

Todas las municipalidades de Ecuador, tienen bandas de musica popular son quienes interpretan tonadas para los eventos sociales y festividades. / 
All the municipalities of Ecuador, they have bands of popular music are those who interpret tunes for the social events and festivities. 

indigenas de la zona andina central, baile forlcloriko de la municipalidad de Sangolqui /
Aborigens of the Andean central zone, dance forlcloriko of Sangolqui's municipality

Los Chagras, son un grupo de gente mescla de indigenas con blancos, tienen su identidad arraigada en el campo, hace unos 5 anos se empiesa a estudiar antropologica y socialmente este grupo, en la zona andina de Ecuador, se les ha familiarizado con los gauchos de Argentina, ellos cuidan del ganado y las haciendas. / 
The Chagras, are a group of people mescle of aborigens with whites (spain people), have his identity established in the field, it does approximately 5 anuses empiesa to studying anthropologic and socially this group, in the Andean zone of Ecuador, one has acquainted them with the gauchos of Argentina, they take care of the cattle and the household tasks. 

Los paises andinos tienen una dieta alimenticia rica en cereales y graminias, no solo son tradicionales son ancestrales y forman parte de la dieta diaria del pueblo ecuatoriano, esta es una presentacion variada de todos sus alimentos. / 
The Andean countries have a food rich diet in cereals and graminias, not only they are traditional are ancient and form a part of the daily diet, this of the Ecuadorian people it is a varied presentation of all his food

 Cuy asado (conejillo de indias asado) /  Cuy roast (roast guinea pig)

cerdo asado (famoso hornado de Sangolui) / Roast pork (Sangolui's famous hornado)

Chicha se sunfo (planta de paramo), sirve para dar calor a quienes sufren de hipotermia, se lo compara mucho con el mate argentino.
senor Patricio Estrella, chofer del Municipio de Sangolqui en esta foto
Alcoholic maize drink sunfo (plant of high plateau), it serves to give heat whom they suffer of hipotermia, it is compared very much with the Argentine mate.
Mister Patricio Estrella, driver of Sangolqui's Municipality in this photo

Variedad de alimentos a base de granos andinos. / Food variety based on Andean grains 
